Do The Research
Home inspectors fill an important need in the real estate industry. Most home buyers whether purchasing resale or new construction don’t have the expertise much less the time to determine whether the home is going to be a great investment or a money pit. But there is one very important thing all home buyers need to do and that is to spend some time researching the inspector who could make or break the bank. That can be a hard thing to do especially in our modern instant gratification culture. A lot of our business comes in off the internet where we have shown up in a prospective client’s search. Often we hear how our website was the clincher in their decision to hire us. (Besides Lisa’s sparkling phone personality!) They did the research & we appreciate those who have taken the time not only to look in depth at what we offer, but at what our competitors offer (or don’t) as well.
Which brings me to those buyers who only shop by price. You need to know something. We are not all equal in our experience & backgrounds. Like the saying goes…you get what you pay for. I read another inspector’s blog who said something to the effect that an inspector should not consider himself good until he gets at least 1000 inspections under his belt. I’m not sure that’s even enough because I still run into new things frequently enough that I have to continually educate myself. And I’m well past 1000! It is a never ending learning process.