Pricing is based on the total square footage under the roof (which includes the garage) and age of the home. You'll find our prices competitive when you compare them to other inspectors in the markets we serve. Based on an average size of 1750 sq. ft., the fee would be $460 for a newer home (< 2 yrs. old). We provide value that our competitors simply can’t match when you consider the experience & thoroughness of the inspection with the quality of the verbal and written reports. We're honest & don't sell you on what you won't need or tell you it's free when it isn't. We don't charge extra for most of the items our competitors do like mileage, sprinklers or crawlspaces etc. To us, it's all in a day's work to serve you best!
Please ask about our package deals available on new construction phase inspections if we perform all of them for you (3 Phase Package & 4 Phase Package).
Please call, text or email for a free, no obligation price quotation.